Seismic Bracing L3
Credits 2.0
30-day access
This course covers the purpose of seismic bracing, seismic separation requirements, and sway bracing, including examples of seismic bracing calculations per NFPA 13 requirements.
Topics include:
- Couplings
- Seismic Separation Assembly
- Clearance
- Sway Bracing
- Assemblies
- Lateral Sway Bracing
- Longitudinal Sway Bracing
- Horizontal Seismic Loads
- Net Vertical Reaction Forces
- Sway Brace Installation
- Horizontal Loads
- Fasteners
- Sway Brace Connections
- Branchline Restraint
- Hangers and Fasteners
- Sway Brace Calculation Example
After the lessons, there will be a quiz to test your knowledge!
Understand the requirements for Seismic Bracing per NFPA 13.
This course provides the knowledge to:
- Understand load and force requirements for seismic bracing
- Apply hanger, fastener, and restraint requirements to seismic brace assemblies
- Perform calculations for a sway brace
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